Get Free Kindle Book – The CCPA Compliance
The new California consumer privacy act is applicable to most companies that collect data. Mitigate enforcement risk and private action risk. Follow quick, simple steps to compliance.
Learn how to solve the pesky problem of data discovery and classification. How do you satisfy the deletion requests? What about best practices and tools?
Mitigate your risks. Manage your privacy governance.
In the new age of connected everything, top companies are looking to make privacy and security an integral part of their business. With this book, you can design a new path to privacy in your business, use CCPA compliance as a competitive advantage, and learn how to de-risk your business from private data breach litigation.
What will you learn from this book?
Should you spend money on compliance or pay the penalties?
Can you use CCPA as a competitive advantage?
If your consumer data your product, should you rethink your new future?
What tools are available for CCPA compliance?
Can you fully automate your CCPA compliance?
What will you learn from this book?
This book is for that executive who explores opportunities to add value as part of CCPA compliance.
This book is for the new DPO (data protection officer), who is trying to establish an effective privacy program.
This book is for the CMO, who is building a strong data-driven culture in light of new privacy laws.
This book is for the CIO, who is trying to balance priorities and budgets.
This book is about helping those executives deliver CCPA compliance on a budget, and mitigate risks.